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Babies room for children aged 6 Weeks - 14 Months ( Approximately )


As we all know having a baby is the momentous event in any parent’s life, when you have done everything possible to give your child the best start in life you want to continue this by choosing the right nursery. In our babies room we have qualified and experienced staff providing a stimulating and loving atmosphere and we guarantee a high level of care at all times.

All nappies, hot nutritious meals and snacks are provided by the nursery throughout the day. A personal diary is completed by the child’s key worker this informs parents what the child has had to eat, sleep and what fun activities they have been doing during the day. Keyworkers will form a special bond with your child learning all about them and helping them to settle and grow within the nursery setting. They also complete observations on your child on a weekly basis, these form part of your child’s development file.

We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage which starts from your child’s birth and runs continuously until your child is 5.

As a nursery we help your child to achieve the 5 outcomes of Every Child Matters.


Personal, Social and Emotional

Within the Baby Room the dedicated staff will help your child develop their personal, social, and emotional skills by firstly finding out what the babies like and dislike through talking to parents guardians. Initial visits to the nursery where you can stay with your child as they settle into the nursery provide the opportunity for parents to fill out paperwork to tell us as much as possible about their child. This ensures that routines that we follow are familiar and comforting to them.


(Due to COVID 19 parental settle in visits are unable to take place at present within nursery)


Communication and language

In the Baby Room staff spend time being physically close, making eye contact, using touch or voice all provide ideal opportunities for early ‘conversations’ between staff and babies, and between one baby and another. The staff find out from parents how you like to communicate with your baby, noting especially the chosen language. Staff encourage babies sounds and babbling by copying their sounds in turn taking ‘conversations’. Staff sing nursery rhymes to help children understand the words by using actions as well. Staff also talk to the babies about what they are doing and what is happening so they can begin to link words with actions e.g. preparing lunch.


Physical Development

At First Steps Nursery we encourage the physical development of babies through offering opportunities for them to learn through being active and interactive, improving their skills of coordination, control, manipulation, and movement. At this age children develop skills in moving their hands, feet, and head, quickly becoming mobile and able to handle and manipulate objects. We understand that children thrive when their nutritional needs are met. We provide home cooked nutritious food and wean babies onto a diet of fresh fruit and vegetables.

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© 2024 First Steps Nursery.

Proudly created by Jessica Green.

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